Moventiv 80 non-contractual document - 03/2023 Designer and manufacturer of sliding systems since 1920 For over a century, the MANTION group has been developing its business designing, making and selling sliding fittings for the building trade. Recognised today as one of the global leaders on our market, we always strive to anticipate and provide reliable and easy-to-use solutions for customers’ personal and work spaces. In that same spirit and driven by the love of a well-designed product built to last, in the last few years we have been investing in automatic controls for doors and windows, in a direct progression from our original products. Considering this a strategic area of development, we chose to develop and manufacture our own automatic control products in our subsidiary MANTION SMT based in Genlis in the Côte d’Or region of France. After pioneering the use of automatic controls for sliding shutters and then becoming the benchmark on the market for automatic controls for swing shutters, today we are able to bring you the most reliable, easy-to-use automatic control for sliding doors available on the market. After several years of development and testing, we are proud to bring you a solution that is silent, simple to install and use, long-lasting, safe and discreet. Featuring the latest technologies, our MOVENTIV® automation system is ready to equip and operate, elegantly and discreetly, whichever superb glass or wooden door you have chosen. As for most of the MANTION group’s products, beyond its purely technical qualities, the MOVENTIV® automatic control system brings you the values of an ethical company that proudly flies the «made in France» flag and brings that unmistakable French touch. MANTION SAS 7, rue Gay Lussac / 25000 Besançon Tél. +33 (0) 3 81 50 56 77 - Fax. +33 (0) 3 81 53 29 76