
5 CERTIFICATIONS Authorised by SGS ICS 29, avenueAristideBriand 94111ArcueilCedex France t +33 (0)1 41 24 87 75 f +33 (0)1 73 01 71 29 www.sgs.com Page 1 of 1 This document is issuedby theCompanysubject to itsGeneralConditions ofCertification Services accessibleat http://www.sgs.com/en/Terms-and-Conditions.Attention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnificationand jurisdictional issues established therein.Theauthenticity of this documentmaybe verifiedat http://www.sgs.com/clients/certified_clients.htm.Any unauthorized alteration, forgeryor falsificationof the content or appearanceof this document is unlawfulandoffendersmay beprosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Certificate FR15/81841904 Themanagement system of MANTION SAS 7 rue Gay Lussac 25000 Besançon France has been assessed and certified asmeeting the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 For the following activities Concept, production and sales of armatures for sliding doors and air transportation systems. This certificate is valid from 27 August 2018 until 26 August 2021 and remains valid subject to satisfactory surveillance audits. Issue 2. First Certification date August 2009 MANTION and its test laboratory: Mantion, which always focuses on the quality of its products, has one of the biggest test laboratories for sliding systems in Europe. 5 test stands enable Mantion to assay the endurance of all its sliding systems in order to comply with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard. Authorised by SGS ICS 29, avenueAristideBriand 94111ArcueilCedex France t +33 (0)1 41 24 87 75 f +33 (0)1 73 01 71 29 www.sgs.com Page 1 of 1 This document is issuedby theCompanysubject to itsGeneralConditions ofCertification Services accessibleat http://www.sgs.com/en/Terms-and-Conditions.Attention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnificationand jurisdictional issues established therein.Theauthenticity of this documentmaybe verifiedat http://www.sgs.com/clients/certified_clients.htm.Any unauthorized alteration, forgeryor falsificationof the content or appearanceof this document is unlawfulandoffendersmay beprosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Certificate FR15/81841904 Themanagement system of MANTION SAS 7 rue Gay Lussac 25000 Besançon France has been assessed and certified asmeeting the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 For the following activities Concept, production and sales of armatures for sliding doors and air transportation systems. This certificate is valid from 27 August 2018 until 26 August 2021 and remains valid subject to satisfactory surveillance audits. Issue 2. First Certification date August 2009 MANTION is committed to for the environment: Convinced of the need to act for sustainable development and conscious of the need to have the means to act in this field in order to constantly improve its management system, Mantion is ISO 14001 certified. Mantion is concretely committed to sustainable development and participates in the effort to preserve the planet’s reasoned natural balance.