
4 T HE E UROPEAN S TANDARD EN 1527 MANTION grade 1 grade 2 grade 3 grade 4 grade 5 24 h * 48 h * 96 h * 240 h * 480 h * *Number of hours of resistance to salt spray (Standard EN1670) grade 1 grade 2 grade 3 grade 4 grade 5 grade 6 5 000 c * 10 000 c * 25 000 c * 50 000 c * 75 000 c * 100 000 c * *Number of cycles grade 1 grade 2 grade 3 Door of 50 Kg 50 N * 30 N * 10 N * Door from 51 to 100 Kg 80 N * 50 N * 20 N * Door from 101 to 330 Kg 90 N * 60 N * 30 N * Door over 330 Kg 5 % ** 3 % ** 2 % ** *(10N): 10 newton correspond to a force of approx. 982 g to start movement of panel **Percentage of the mass DURABILITY [D] INITIAL FRICTION [F] CORROSION RESISTANCE [C] Mantion certifies* the performance of its fittings for sliding doors and gives you the guaranty of high quality products. The different Mantion products have been designed, produced and tested to be used together. In order to avoid any technical problem or early use of fittings, require MANTION products. A safety insurance regarding the performance of fittings for sliding doors: Simple and efficient: By requiring the characteristics of a product according to the European standard, you will avoid inconvenience such as bad sliding, blocking or early wearing. What does the European standard EN 1527 indicate? It defines objective quality criteria for a complete set of fittings for sliding doors (tracks, brackets, rollers, stops and guides): - Corrosion resistance (resistance to salt spray / test EN1677) - Initial friction (initial max. force required to open and close the panels) - Durability (number of cycles) It determines the conditions in which the tests have to be made. This allows an easy and real comparison between different competing products: - Door under 100 kg: Height: 2 m. & stroke: 0.80 m. or Height: 2 m. & stroke: 2 m*. - Door over 100 kg: Height: 2 m & stroke: 2 m * all our tests for doors weighing less than 120 kg were carried out on a portal frame: Height 2 m. & stroke 0.80 m. measured without the use of damper closer or hydraulic closer stop c o r r o s i o n f r i c t i o n d u r a b i l i t y D 6 C F 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 c y c l e s ** ** This guarantee applies within the limit of a number of cycles specific to each range and the conditions of installation and use available on: WWW.MANTION.COM Authorised by SGS ICS 29, avenueAristideB riand 94111ArcueilCedex France t +33 (0)1 41 24 87 75 f +33 (0)1 73 01 71 29 www.sgs.com Page 1 of 1 This document is i ssuedby theCompanysubject to itsGeneralCon ditions ofCertification Services accessibleat http://www.sgs.com/en/Terms-and-Conditions.Attention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnificationand jurisdictional issues established therein.Theauthenticity of this documentmaybe verifiedat http://www.sgs.com/clients/certified_clients.htm.Any unauthorized alteration, forgeryor falsificationof the content or appearanceof this document is unlawfulandoffendersmay beprosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. CertificateFR15/81841904 Themanagement system of MANTION SAS 7 rueGayLussac 25000Besançon France has been assessed and certified asmeeting the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 For the following activities Concept,production andsalesofarmatures for slidingdoors andair transportation systems. This certificate is valid from27August2018until 26August2021 and remains valid subject to satisfactory surveillanceaudits. Issue2.FirstCertificationdateAugust2009 Authorised by SGS ICS 29, avenueAristid eBriand 94111ArcueilCedex France t +33 (0)1 41 24 87 75 f +33 (0)1 73 01 71 29 www.sgs.com Page 1 of 1 This document is issuedby theCompanysubject to itsGeneralConditions ofCertification Services accessibleat http://www.sgs.com/en/Terms-and-Conditions.Attention is drawn to the limitations of l iability, indemnificationand jurisdictional issues establish ed therein.The authenticityof this documentmaybe verifiedat http://www.sgs.com/clients/certified_clients.htm. Anyunauthorizedalteration, forgeryor falsificationof the content or appearanceof this document is unlawful andoffendersmaybe prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. CertificateFR15/81841903 Themanagement system of MANTION SAS 7 rueGayLussac 25000Besançon France has been assessed and certified asmeeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 For the following activities Concept,production andsalesofarmatures for slidingdoors andair transportation systems. This certificate is valid from27August2018until 26August 2021 and remains valid subject to satisfactory surveillanceaudits. Issue2.FirstCertificationdate January2006 * This guaranty of durability applies to complete sets of Mantion products: tracks, rollers, brackets, stops and guides which are used and installed according to Mantion instructions (capacity and number of cycles).