HERCULE® 10 • High stability: all hangers are designed to be in permanent contact with the track. • Electrolytic protection of all hangers • Hangers can be fixed on the side or on the top TRACKS Item Nr Description 9010/600 Galvanised track 28 x 30 mm, 6 m long. 4 9010N/600 Plain track (untreated) 28 x 30 mm, 6 m long. 4 STRAIGHT sliding doors CAPACITY/DOOR: 90 kg max. TRACK: 9010 MOTION: STRAIGHT HANGERS & PLATES Item Nr Description screw Ø 9211 60 kg Hanger with swanneck and 2 steel wheels mounted on balls. Ø M10 2 9211W Hanger with swanneck and 2 steel wheels mounted on balls. Ø M10 2 99212 Hanger with swanneck and 4 Delrin wheels mounted on smooth axle. Ø M10 2 99215 Hanger with removable collar and 4 Delrin wheels mounted on smooth axle. Ø M10 2 9216 Welding type hanger, with 4 steel wheels mounted on balls. 2 9212 80 kg Hanger with swanneck and 4 steel wheels mounted on balls Ø M10 2 9215 Hanger with removable collar and 4 steel wheels mounted on balls Ø M10 2 9214 90 kg Hanger with swanneck and 4 steel wheels mounted on balls Ø M10 2 0036 Top fixing screwing plate Ø M10 20 0036W "U" plate for top fixing Ø M10 0037 Angle plate for side fixing Ø M10 10 0031 Adjustable apron set for panels of 25 to 35 mm thickness - Capacity: 40 Kg Ø M10 capacity per door GALVANIZING PROPERTIES: Zinc has the property of regenerating itself by surface recovering if it is altered, e.g: scraped or scratched. Thus, a track, after being scratched or cut recovers its protection entirely through galvanization. The MANTION treatment: Sendzimir process allows recovering of up to 2 mm recovering. LE SAVIEZ VOUS ? DID YOU KNOW ? For floor guiding: see on page 50 9010 9211 9212 9215 0037 0036 0031 0036W 9214 99212 99215 9216 9211W
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