SAF-200 - Premium sliding system SAF with soft-closer for doors up to 200 kg

SAF-200 - Premium sliding system SAF with soft-closer for doors up to 200 kg

Premium sliding system SAF® with soft-closer for doors up to 200 kg

Capacity total: 200 kg

Simple, reliable and quick to install!


Rollers mounted on ball bearings & new-generation soft-closer.


2 possible door mounting options:
- Edge-mounted
- Recessed profile mounting for a minimum door/track gap of 7 mm


Rollers are equiped with stainless steel framing defects (for long-term corrosion resistance).

* Number of cycles* Fabrication25 years guarantee
SAF-200 – Premium sliding system SAF with soft-closer for doors up to 200 kg - Image 1 SAF-200 – Premium sliding system SAF with soft-closer for doors up to 200 kg - Image 2 SAF-200 – Premium sliding system SAF with soft-closer for doors up to 200 kg - Image 3

Choose your Damper closer

1 product(s)
  • Softcloser for gentle closing of doors 120-200 kg

    Softcloser for gentle closing of doors 120-200 kg

    Ref: M70S

    Damper closer system with soft/opening and closing with over 100mm soft closing travel distance.
    For doors weighing 120 to 200 kg. 
    For soft closing in opening and closing, minimum width of 1550mm is needed.
    Accompanied with one roller.

    Innovation MANTION: Soft-closer M70S.

Choose your Tracks

1 product(s)

Choose your Hangers

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Choose your Plate

2 product(s)

Choose your Profiles

4 product(s)

Choose your End Stop

1 product(s)

Choose your Bottom guide

3 product(s)
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